About us

When we pay just a little attention, makeup can be about so much more than how we look. Beauty doesn’t start the moment our lips are perfectly lacquered or our lashes are perfectly curled: it starts the moment we look in the mirror and give ourselves just a little love, attention, and respect.

INNR is a beauty brand built on a simple question: how would our relationship with makeup change if we focused more on the ritual and less on the result? Our luxurious products deliver vibrant colors and velvety textures with simple yet considered details that elevate your everyday routine into a moment for reflection. Infused with only safe ingredients, our formulas honor your wellbeing without sacrificing the high-performance benefits you expect from a luxury product. And because most of us have no more than five minutes to spare, everything we make is quick and easy to use. At INNR, we create products you reach for day after day, not only because they deliver a beautiful result, but because they remind you to slow down and enjoy the ritual.



My passion for beauty started early: I was that kid who would get into her mom’s makeup bag, smear eye shadow all over her face, and play dress-up in secret. Makeup was part of our family culture — my grandmother and mom always had their lipstick on. But it wasn’t just about how we looked: makeup was part of a larger family value system. From an early age, my parents taught me that taking care of yourself—mentally, physically, and emotionally—is part of a practice of self-cultivation that lasts a lifetime. They pushed me to nurture a relationship with myself, and makeup was part of that.

Beauty started as a hobby, but quickly became something more. I was constantly taking classes, experimenting with new looks, and trying new products. If I was having a bad day, makeup took me to another world. Everyone told me I should become a makeup artist, but I knew that I wanted something different. To me, beauty wasn’t about creating amazing looks on beautiful faces, but rather about the process—the moments we take to look in the mirror, see ourselves, and love ourselves. How could I share my beauty values with as many people as possible? The result is INNR, a beauty brand built on the belief that every sweep of eye liner or slick of lipstick is an opportunity to build a meaningful relationship with ourselves. At INNR, beauty isn’t about the result; it’s about the ritual.